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A Farewell to The Owl House

[SPOILER FREE] The last episode of The Owl House was released last April 8, 2023, and this article is dedicated as a means of sending my appreciation to the show, especially, how much it means to me.  The Owl House first aired on January 10, 2020, which was just a couple of months away from the infamous March 2020. At that time, I was in my freshman year in college, adjusting and familiarizing a new environment–a new realm. Like Luz, I also felt like I was out of place since I didn’t really know what to do yet at that time, which is–I know, weird for a then 18-year-old freshman, but it was the truth. I passed college applications and took entrance exams just because that was what needed to be done. The course I took, I chose just because I wanted to get away from numbers as much as I could and because of an old childhood dream. At 18, there wasn’t a golden path that I wanted to take, but every decision I made, I made because I needed to.  The inevitable March came and I hate t...

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April Fools' Prank to Spice up your Life

Cream on a paper plate, a fake hickey mark, and surprising someone, while dressed in their biggest phobia, are just some of the outdated pranks that some initiate on the first day of April. It’s 2023! And It’s time to level up our game when it comes to pranking!

Listed below are some of the ‘pranks’ that you can do to spice up your life and experience that brief thrill that lasts for a short time…or maybe for your whole life depending on how it pans out–but mostly, the thrill! Homo sapiens live for the thrill!

Pregnancy news

What prank would be better than bestowing upon your partner this great news that you are going to give birth to a human being in this day and age of the messed up world, with all the news of war and viruses lurking around, where people are getting more violent and kids from around the world are starving? Imagine the horror, or the thrill (depends on your partner) that your significant other would feel after telling them the news and then after some time take it back by shouting the golden words “April Fools'”...Imagine.

And then, by this, you would know what your partner actually feels about it, AND then you can ruminate on your relationship!

Come out of the closet

Unless you are not part of the LGBTQ+ community, this prank is perfect for you–of course, only if you haven’t come out yet. Two paths will be created once this prank is executed: Folks would be mad or folks would be glad--wait…maybe folks would just shrug and say they’ve always known! 

Afterwards based on their reactions, you can formulate your next move. To hug them or to take it back and say the magic words. Either of these reactions surely guarantees a spiced-up life.

Confess your love

If a jerk would do this to a person they don’t have feelings for, it is a prank, however, confessing your feelings to the person you have fluttering feelings with, on April 1st would give you an additional (faux) strength. There are two ways out, one of which would trigger you to take it back lightning fast--which is, of course, it would be if they reject you. If they do not, then confess again on a later date and go on a date!

A little warning though, considering you chose to take the risk, this choice could also backfire if it turns out that their answer is also a part of their “April Fools” prank, so think thoroughly.

Fake death news

This is probably the most absurd and idiotic of the list, nonetheless, have you watched “That One with the Memorial Service” episode from Friends? Where Ross Geller faked his death to see who would come to commiserate? 

Not to make your life a literal sitcom, disregard your relatives and friends’ emotions, or make fun of the poor souls who lost their lives on the first day of April, like a joke. A simple fake chain message to your tiny circle, for a day can give you some realization about your social circle and your changes to your own self-outlook.

You’ll be a dead person for a while, but consciously you’ll see what comes after death, it is a once in a lifetime! (Just kidding don’t do it)

That is all! To end, as a decent human being, rate the pranks above, 1 being the prank you least hate and 5 being the prank you most hate to the very bottom of your heart.


Disclaimer: Happy April Fools' Day! Try these pranks at your own risk (also, please don’t be dumb)

Thank you for reading!


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